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NiMH and Lead batteries work, as our RAV4-EV demonstrates daily (today we commuted to El Segundo), and Lead worked and works (as the Panasonic EV1 demonstrated daily).
| So what are these people "finding"?? If they only want a battery that "lowers gas usage", Lead works great; if they want a pure EV, the RAV4-EV is just one of a potential family of oil-free vehicles. ------------------FROM YAHOO BIZ LINE "N.C. Seeks Research Hub for Plug-In Cars Tuesday February 12, 5:56 pm ET By Mike Baker, Associated Press Writer N.C. State Seeks Partners for Research Hub to Study Plug-In Cars "RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- North Carolina State University plans to launch a research hub for the development of plug-in cars, a project that has attracted the interest of energy and automobile companies. The school already conducts research into the development of the hybrid vehicles. And Gov. Mike Easley said Tuesday that, depending on the support from federal grants, the state may give $5 million to start and $1 million annually to operate the Advanced Transportation Energy Center there..." [NOTE: We already know what batteries work, and what don't. Why this charade??] "...Duke Energy Corp. and Progress Energy Corp. said they have pledged to participate in the project and are already developing a grid system that would allow drivers to charge their car batteries while away from home..." Like, Duke is interested in putting itself out of business?? "Easley said General Motors Corp. may also join the program as researchers seek to develop lighter and safer vehicles that the batteries can power..." What about the existing RAV4-EV, and what about GM's own EV1!! What hypocrisy! "The initial mandate of the center would be the development of cheaper, lighter and more efficient batteries that could be plugged in at home. N.C. State Chancellor James Oblinger said he expects the center can develop its first battery for a hybrid vehicle in the next two to five years. "Easley and others said they hope to eventually develop a battery that's powerful and efficient enough to replace gasoline. "Cost is a big factor for making the batteries available to the average consumer, and Easley said with the proper research that the department can bring the cost of the battery from $10,000 to $3,000 and make other improvements..." [NOTE: PANASONIC LEAD BATTERIES CARRIED THE EV1 UP TO 110 MILES, AND ONLY COST $3000!] "Drivers, meanwhile, would save on the cost of gasoline. For a vehicle with a range of 40 miles, it could cost roughly $1 to charge the battery, said Michael Ligett, the director of market and energy services for Progress Energy. Easley said he would like to see batteries with a longer range such as 150 miles. "'This is transformational,' said Progress Energy CEO Bill Johnson. 'This really is a bold and aggressive idea.' WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE GOING TO KILL IT, AND WHY THEY ARE IGNORING EXISTING EVS! |
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